Saturday 2 June 2012

Don't even have time to read blogs these days (with the occasional exception of RP's), let alone to write one.  Plus, I don't exactly have a theme!  It's sort of Port Moody wildlife, especially osprey, I guess, though it's so far mainly other-people's-pics.

Let's see if I can get a short clip, with sound, of the osprey and possibly the sound of chicks, though I don't know whether any are in there...

Okay, that didn't work.  Howzabout this?: Osprey

Merganser with the stairs to the other pier reflected in the water.

Seal breakfast time.  They're a little hard to see, but those are (probably) the fish released from the Noon's Creek hatchery early in May.

In the garden

Lest you get the wrong impression of just how wild and/or bucolic Port Moody is, above is the view from our bedroom window, and below the view from our driveway.


  1. Love the juxtaposition of the views from your bedroom window and your driveway (that's a really ugly building - apartments?) - it's like two different worlds! And the other photos are great.

    1. Thanks, Dirigonzo. Actually, the apartment building in the driveway photo (you guessed right, and the smaller building in front of it is offices, and the bit of roofline you can see in front of that is our cross-the-street neighbour's single-family house) is in the right side of the night photo from the bedroom window. (We do not, ahem, have acreage.)

      Thanks for your comment at RP, too (about the osprey link), but I want to be able to put in a little screen like he does, instead of a link to another page. A project for another day.

  2. I just discovered a live webcam feed of an osprey nest at the Audobon Camp here in Maine. If you want to see what your birds' east coast relatives are up to you can check it out here:!/live-cams/player/live-osprey-cam (sorry, I don't do links - you'll have to copy it into your browser). I just read that their 3 eggs hatched yesterday but I haven't seen the babies yet.

    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks, Dirigonzo. Check out this link when you have 3-4 minutes to spare. It's not osprey--it's robins. But it's very cool. even a little poignant

      Robin video

    2. That's wonderful, and poignant is just the right word! Mom (Dad?) looked so disappointed that all the chicks had "flown the coop" - but that's what parenting is all about, right?
